Chibougamau Mining Camp - Au, Cu, Ag, Zn, Fe Royalty
Lemoine, McKenzie, Obalski, Roy & Scott Townships, Quebec (NTS 32G/15-16)
Updated March 2022
Chibougamau Mining Camp
An Overview
Properties included in the Chibougamau Mining Camp are:
Project Description and Location
As of January 29th, 2016, the aggregate of registered units (claims/cells (‘cls’) held wholly by Chibougamau Independent Mines (‘CBG’) totalled 262 units (9,887 ha) with individual projects including Berrigan Mine (13 cls), Berrigan South (28 cls), Lac Antoinette (9 cls), Lac Élaine (27 cls), Virginia Option (6 cls), Kokko Creek (5 cls), Quebec Chibougamau Goldfields (7 cls), Copper Cliff Ext. (7 cls), Bateman Bay (18 cls), Grandroy (15 cls), Mont Sorcier (57 cls: formerly Sulphur Converting/ Magnetite Bay ), Lac Chibougamau (76 cls), Baie Malouf (3 cls), Buckell Lake (2 cls) and Lac Simon (4 cls). These properties are known collectively as the “Chibougamau Mining Camp Property”.
At a special meeting of shareholders held October 19, 2012, Globex shareholders approved a proposed Arrangement Agreement involving Globex and CBG. Upon completion of the Arrangement Agreement, Globex transferred 100% interest in the mineral resource properties known as the “Chibougamau Mining Camp Property” together with cash and certain securities held by Globex to CBG subject to a 3% GMR in favour of Globex. In return, Globex shareholders received one common share of CBG for each common share of Globex held on the effective date of the Arrangement Agreement. On December 29th, 2012, the Chibougamau Mining Camp Properties were transferred to CBG.
The majority of the properties are located 15 kilometers E-SE from the town of Chibougamau with some claim groups extending south and east along the west shore of Lake Dore while a larger segment extends approximately 4km South, East and Northeast of the Henderson Number 1 shaft, over Lake Chibougamau. The Berrigan claim group extends 12km W and NW from the town of Chibougamau.
This land position is considered an “advanced stage” exploration project, being located, for the most part, on the inferred lateral and depth extensions of the better past copper-gold producers of the mining camp or entirely encompassing several of the camp’s former copper/gold producers.
The Quebec agency which manages mineral tenure (MERN) is undertaking a title conversion process across the province. CBG mining titles are being transferred to this new system starting in 2015. The resulting overall mineral rights for each claim group will be generally similar in area to those currently registered. CBG will continue to monitor the conversion process.
Accessibility, Climate Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography
Chibougamau is an active mining and forestry centre (pop. >5,000) located on Highway 113 which connects with the large mining community of Val d’Or (pop. > 40,000) 400 km to the SW and the agricultural centre of Lac St. Jean, 250 km to the SE. The area enjoys good infrastructure with railway, hydro power and a good mining work force because of 60 years of mining activity in the Chibougamau/Chapais district. A dormant, but still operable 3,000 tpd mill is available for custom milling.
Chibougamau is serviced by regular commercial flights to Montreal, Quebec and serves as the gateway for other mining/forestry activities for the more northern regions of the Province. Climate conditions are typical of the Canadian Shield, averaging -30o Celsius in January/February and an average of +25o Celsius in July. The ground is generally snow covered from November to March and summers are relatively hot and relatively wet. Topography is generally flat except for local 200-500 m high, knobby, E-W trending ranges of hills. Many of the mineral claims underlie Chibougamau and Doré lakes. The CBG properties are generally covered by moderate to locally dense forest of black spruce, birch and aspen. Spruce and tag alders cover ground where conditions are swampy.
Since initial land acquisition in 2007 by Globex Mining Enterprises Inc., ongoing acquisition by ground staking and/or map designated cells by the latter has resulted in the acquisition of a significant land package in the Chibougamau Mining Camp now controlled by CBG.
Copper and gold were discovered in the early 1900’s and roads and railroad access were completed in the early 1950’s. The town of Chibougamau was established in 1952 and numerous mines were developed along the shores of Lac Doré and Lac Chibougamau. Numerous changes of ownership occurred between 1955 and 2012. The initial miner in the Camp, Campbell Chibougamau Mines became Copper Rand Chibougamau Mines Ltd., which subsequently became Patino Mines Ltd. in 1962. In 1981, Northgate Exploration Ltd. acquired Patino Mines Ltd. In 1987, Northgate sold its assets to Westminer (Canada) Ltd. which subsequently sold all of these assets to Ressources MSV Inc. in 1993. In 2001, Ressources MSV and Géonova Explorations Inc. amalgamated to create Ressources Campbell Inc. which went into bankruptcy in 2010. In 2012, Nuinsco Resources Limited and Ocean Partners acquired the remaining assets of Ressources Campbell, creating a new exploration and development company, C-Bay Resources, which has numerous holdings in the Camp.
Simplified longitudinal section of general production history and maximum vertical depth of investigation for main deposits in the Chibougamau camp. Starred past Cu/Au producers are currently held by CBG. Modified from Nuinsco Resources, 2015
Except for regional geological mapping and airborne surveys carried out by different levels of government, all of the available historic information on the CBG claims originated from Campbell/Camchib exploration work. This information was compiled and interpreted by SOQUEM who carried out extensive compilation of geologic, geochemical and geophysical survey data and limited surface exploration work (geophysics and drilling) during the period from 1992 to 2000. Although a number of the SOQUEM drill holes located new copper/gold mineralization, no additional work followed this initial success.
Various airborne geophysical surveys have confirmed the presence of a number of magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies in the area of known mineralized zones and/or along their inferred strike direction. These surveys have helped in the interpretation of the regional geology and general stratigraphic relationships of the volcanic and large intrusive complexes in the Camp. Numerous geophysical anomalies remain yet to be tested by drilling.
Geological Setting
Regional Setting. The Archean rock formations which underlie the Chibougamau Mining Camp form the eastern portion of the Chibougamau-Mattagami segment of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. The volcanic rocks and associated sediments belong to the Roy Group which is subdivided into the Blondeau, Bruneau, Allard, David and the Obatagamau Formations with the latter being the oldest underlying unit. The Cummings Group mafic intrusive rocks have intruded predominantly at the contact between the Bruneau and the Blondeau volcanic formations. The volcanic formations have been folded about a large regional fold into which the Lac Dore Complex and later the Lac Chibougamau tonalite-trondhjemite Pluton have been intruded. Regional metamorphism is green schist facies. The Opemisca sediments unconformably overlie the aforementioned volcanic units. The Lac Doré Complex (LDC) is a stratiform, layered intrusive complex composed principally of meta-anorthosite with lesser amount of meta-gabbro to anorthositic gabbro and is host to many of the copper/gold deposits of the Camp. The anorthosite represents 70% to 90% (by volume) of the lithologies present within the LDC.
The past producing copper/gold deposits within and adjacent to the CBG properties are generally located within the layered segment of the Lac Doré complex. The “anorthositic” facies of the complex shows evidence of intruding into the older “layered” sequence, thus locally creating large “rafts” of layered peridotite to anorthositic gabbro within the more abundant anorthosite mass. The primitive magmatic layering is often composed (from base to top) of ferro-dunite, ferro-peridotite, ferro-pyroxenite, ferro-gabbro and intern layers of magnetite bearing gabbroic anorthosite. Layered iron-titanium-vanadium mineralization such as at the Mont Sorcier property is also recognized in this environment.
The Lac Doré Fault (LDF) is the most prominent structure in the area. It trends roughly NE, dips 70oto the NW and may have a “thrust” component in its movement. This fault transects and locally displaces numerous of the former producers, which attests at least in part, to post mineral movement along this fault structure.
NW of the LDC, in the area of CBG’s Berrigan and Berrigan South properties, another series of differentiated mafic to ultramafic sills referred to as the Cummings Complex, are injected predominantly along the contact zones between the Gilman and Blondeau volcanic formations. Zinc/copper/gold/silver mineralization are found at numerous locations within and on the margins of these sills while various occurrences of volcanogenic stringer and massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization (Cu/Zn/Au/Ag) are reported to be present in the aforementioned volcanic sequences.
The central highly sodic Chibougamau Pluton forms the core of the LDC and shows an intrusive contact with the Anorthositic Zone of the LDC on the north flank of a regional anticline. Principal rock types within the Pluton include granodiorite, quartz syenite, hornblende tonalite and hornblende melano-tonalite. Satellite intrusions such as the Grandroy stock and Line Lake Stock may display porphyry style Cu/Au mineralization.
The Chapais-Chibougamau Mining District was subjected to superposed regional deformational events during the Archean which resulted in large scale isoclinal folding and related faulting of the extrusive, intrusive and sedimentary rock units. Five major fracture/shearing systems are recognized. One such set of faults includes the major NE trending, NW dipping regional Gwillim, Lac Doré, McKenzie Narrows and Lac Taché faults, with dextral strike-slip displacement. The Lac Doré structure is metallogenically important because of its displacement of the SE trending “Mine shears” associated with the mined Cu/Au mineralization which occurs at Copper Rand, Copper Cliff, Jaculet, Bateman Bay and Kokko Creek. Elsewhere, N-S structures are well developed in the volcanics and the Cummings Complex and show a close association with some of the important orogenic gold deposits in the Camp.
Local Setting. The CBG camp-scale land holding can be categorized into three main geologic groups;
Group 1: These holdings are located within the layered portion of the Lac Doré mafic to ultramafic Intrusive Complex (LDC) positioned between the volcanic formations of the David Group to the NW and the central tonalite-trondhjemite Chibougamau Pluton to the SE. The majority of the Cu-Au mines in the Camp are found within the layered portion of the Lac Doré Complex. The claim groups within the group 1 geological package host the following deposits and mineralized occurrences: Bateman Bay (Au, Cu) & Jaculet Extension, Copper Cliff Extension (Au, Cu), Kokko Creek (Au, Cu), Quebec Chibougamau Mines (Au, Ag, Zn), “S” Zones (Au, Cu) and “T” Tommy/Yorcan Zones (Au, Cu).
Group 2: These holdings straddle the contact between the layered zones of the LDC to the south in contact with the mafic/felsic volcanics to the north. The Grandroy Mine intrusive stock, a satellite body to the Chibougamau Pluton, also straddles this contact. CBG holdings in this group include the following deposits and mineralized occurrences; Grandroy Mine (Cu, Au, Mo), Ile Marguerite (Au), Mont Sorcier (Fe-Ti-V) and Sulphur Converting (Cu-Zn).
Group 3: These holdings are located NW of the the Group 2 properties within the mafic to felsic volcanics of the Bruneau and Blondeau Formations intruded by the differentiated mafic/ultramafic Cummings Complex sills. This group includes the Berrigan Lake Mine (Au, Ag, Zn) and the Berrigan South prospect (Zn, Au).
The prominent anorthosite facies of the LDC shows numerous “tectonic corridors” serving as conduits for the mineral bearing hydrothermal solutions which streamed through the rock formations resulting in characteristic “wallrock” alteration features and assemblages including sericite, chlorite, carbonate and quartz, directly associated with the sulphide minerals within these tectonic corridors in which mineralized lenses of various dimensions have developed. Mineralization within the “tectonic corridors” generally consists of lenses of 10%-30% sulfides comprised largely of pyrite and chalcopyrite with some pyrrhotite (5% to 15%) along with minor sphalerite and galena. The matrix of the mined lenses is composed of 70%-90% chlorite with lesser quartz and carbonate, which can account for up to 15% to 20% of the matrix.
The Cu-Au mines may, at certain locations, display concentrations of semi-massive to massive sulphides (pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite) commonly at the contact of felsic to intermediate dykes intruded within larger zones of deformation and alteration characterized by chlorite-sericite-quartz-carbonate schists affecting the anorthosites of the Lac Doré Complex. These shear zones, often referred to as “mine shears”, are usually oriented at N110o. However, a large part of the production in Chibougamau came from an earlier N045o shear structures. These structures show great depth extensions and have been cut and displaced by the Lac Doré Fault, showing an apparent horizontal sinistral displacement of approximately 1.6 km. The Lac Doré Fault trends northeast and dips 50o to 70o to the north-west. The “mine shears” dip SW and the main N045o shear, dips SE.
The CBG properties include; a) the unmined zinc/gold Berrigan Project (NI 43-101 compliant report by C. Larouche, May 17, 2011, restated August15, 2012), b) the unmined zinc/gold Berrigan South deposit, c) five past producing copper/gold deposits (including Kokko Creek, Quebec Chibougamau Goldfields, Bateman Bay, S-3 Zone and Grandroy Gold & Copper Mine, d) the inferred lateral and depth extensions of the largest past producing mines in the Camp (Portage/Henderson Mines), e) the Ile Marguerite (talc zone) and the large Mont Sorcier (Fe-Ti-V) deposit as well as a number of other gold/copper zones including the Tommy (T Zones), and K Zones. The north portion of the claim group straddles the contact between the layered zone of the Lac Dore Complex to the south in contact with mafic + felsic volcanic rocks to the north where the “porphyry type exploration model appears to offer attractive discovery potential as exemplified by the Grandroy porphyry Cu/Au deposit.
The following “historical” non NI 43-101 compliant resources have been published on the CBG properties. A qualified person has not performed sufficient work to classify these estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves and CBG treats these resources as historical estimates only. The reader is cautioned that these estimates are historic and not to be relied upon.
Name of Project
Historical Resources
Cu %
Au g/t
Zn %
Bateman Bay
396,665 tons
2.64 %
4.35 g/t
Berrigan Mine (North Zone)
1,388,915 tons
1.77 g/t
3.17 %
Berrigan Mine (South Zone)
259,637 tons
0.58 g/t
3.05 %
Grandroy Mine
181,000 tons
1.50 %
Kokko Creek
115,000 tons
1.50 %
0.21 g/t
Quebec Chibougamau
19,191 tons
1.93 %
2.64 g/t
T-Zones (T-10)
449,095 tons
0.91 %
2.38 g/t
T-Zones (T-9)
50,000 tons
2.21 %
T-Zones (T-8)
440,000 tons
8.48 g/t
IIn 2011, consulting geological engineer Claude Larouche, ing. (O.I.Q.) commenced a comprehensive compilation of the public geologic, geochemical, geophysical and mining data relative to CBG‘s land holdings from various sources including assessment file records. Initially this work was carried out for Globex Mining and subsequently continued for Chibougamau Independent Mines (CBG),. The objective of this study was to provide a functional database to guide and plan systematic exploration to locate and drill test new mineral deposits in the vicinity of past producing and unmined deposits primarily for copper–gold or zinc–gold.
In 2012, the aforementioned study resulted in the completion of two NI 43-101 compliant technical reports by Claude Larouche including respectively the Evaluation and Exploration Potential of the Berrigan Gold/Zinc/Silver Project, McKenzie Twp (initially dated May 17, 2011 & restated August 15, 2012) and the Exploration Potential of the Lac Chibougamau Mining Properties (initially dated August 16, 2012 and restated December 17, 2012). Both of these reports were filed on in 2012 and are posted on the CBG website ( In these reports, Mr. Larouche proposes a multi-phase work program including an initial Phase I budgetof $605,000 for Berrigan and $1.15M for the Lac Chibougamau Properties for data compilation and exploration drilling and a Phase II program consisting of diamond drilling budgeted at $2.09M for Berrigan and $2.97M for the Lac Chibougamau Properties to confirm and upgrade historic copper and gold resources to a NI 43-101 compliant category.
Field work in 2012 involved the completion of 22 line km of a newly designed, deep penetrating geophysical I.P. survey along with 44.5 line km of conventional complimentary magnetometer coverage and 19.9 line-km of horizontal loop electromagnetic surveys (HEM) over selective portions of the S2/S3 copper/gold zones. An unusually early spring break up precluded the completion of the proposed larger survey area on the ice of Lac Chibougamau. The partial results of this orientation work did however, prove successful in generating clear geophysical responses over the known zones of mineralization while indicating the potential for vertical & lateral extensions of the mineralized structures. This field work was carried out during the winter months of February and March 2012.
In the first Quarter of 2013, the deep penetrating IP survey work on the ice of Lac Chibougamau was continued from the previous year. An aggregate of 40.6 km of dipole-dipole & deep IP along with accompanying ground magnetometer and HEM electromagnetic surveying was completed over the Tommy Zones, the Bateman Bay Zone, the Grandroy South Zone and Kokko Creek from early February to the end of March 2013. The interpretation of the results from these various grid areas is expected in the early part of the second Quarter of 2013.
An eight hole diamond drill program totaling 1,809 metres was also completed on the Berrigan Zn/Au/Ag deposit in February, 2013. The program was designed to directly confirm information on the style and grade of mineralization to guide a subsequent, more comprehensive, drill program to enable a NI 43-101 compliant resource calculation of this deposit. On April 27th, 2013 CBG issued a press release reporting the drill results. The full press release is available at the CBG website.
On the Berrigan property, the company has compiled historical drilling and its own recent drilling in order to better understand the structural controls on mineralization.
Later in the year, the company completed a three dimensional digital compilation of the Grandroy copper-gold mine property incorporating historical drill data and recorded infrastructure (pit and ramp) in order to better understand the ore body’s structure and depth potential. Geophysical surveys were completed over certain areas deemed to be “on strike” of the mineralized body and additional claims were acquired.
At Bateman Bay a series of drill holes completed in 2013, reporting wide widths of copper-silver mineralization in the Jaculet #3 area including; BJ-13-09 which intersected a core length of 36.5 m (true width 10.66 m) grading 1.58% Cu and 11.1 gpt Ag; BJ-13-10 intersected a core length of 43.5 m grading 2.93% Cu, 39.0 gpt Ag and 0.68 gpt Au; BJ-13-13 which intersected a core length of 11.5 metres grading 5.23% Cu, 50.0 gpt Ag and 0.97 gpt Au; and Hole BJ-13-14 intersected 45.0 metres (true width 17 m) grading 1.12% Cu, 6.7 gpt Ag and 0.32 gpt Au. These were compiled and built into sections to interpret the potential up-dip projection of the zone. A shallow penetration electromagnetic survey using a “Beep Mat™” was completed, identifying a conductive body in the area of the up-dip projection of the copper-silver zone intersected in the drilling.
Induced polarization and magnetic surveys were undertaken on the Lac Élaine property which covers several kilometers of the same rock units as host the Berrigan property zinc, gold and silver mineralization but are masked by a sedimentary rock unit. Surveys were able to penetrate the sedimentary rock cover and have identified several strong geophysical anomalies.
Geophysics and rock sampling were also undertaken on areas of our Kokko Creek property. Areas of anomalous copper mineralization were obtained and present follow-up targets.
At the Mont Sorcier property A 2 drill hole program was completed in 2013 to obtain core from the Mont Sorcier iron, titanium, vanadium deposit. Analysis returned the following results. Core samples also returned very low sulphur values.
True Width (m)
An analysis of all historical drill data, surface sampling and metallurgical test work was undertaken for the Mont Sorcier iron, titanium, vanadium deposit in 2014. A follow-up drill program has been planned to upgrade the historical resource estimate located on the property in 2015 is being considered.