Beauchastel-Rouyn Property - Polymetallic
Beauchastel & Rouyn Townships, Quebec (NTS 32D/03, 32D/06)
Updated May 2022
The main Beauchastel-Rouyn property consists of 50 claims covering 1352 hectares in Beauchastel and Rouyn Townships, Abitibi-East, Quebec. The property is approximately 14 km long in an east northeast linear direction and up to 10 km wide in a north-south direction. The east end of the property is within the city of Rouyn-Noranda and part of the western claims is situated in of the town of Evain.
The main property is owned 100% by Globex.
The property is easily accessible throughout by a network of range roads. Highway 117 traverses through the northern portion. The east end is accessible by Rouyn-Noranda city roads and highway 391 provides easy access to the eastern quarter and south eastern area of the property. All weather gravel range roads cross the property.
The property is exceptionally large and is located in the heart of the Noranda mining camp, and as such, has received basic exploration work over various sections of the claim block. The work dating back to the 1920's has resulted in a database consisting of detailed geological maps, numerous ground geophysical and geochemical surveys, diamond drilling and several airborne surveys. A good basic understanding of the geology is now available particularly due to the excellent work performed by Minnova Inc. in the early 1990's.
Over the years, companies working on different sections of the property have located a large number of gold and base metal surface showings and zones, many of which have been drilled, some extensively.
The claims were covered by an AEROTEM EM and magnetometer survey done for Globex. Several new conductive zones have been identified and follow-up was recommended.
In 2001, a 1000 metre drill hole was completed on the South Block and demonstrated that the Cobalt sediments which overlay the gold localizing Cadillac Break are thin and not 1000 to 1500 metres thick as was previously theorized.
In 2008, Globex drilled 4 very wide spaced holes, totalling 3,210 m in order to test carbonate alteration zones and to intersect the Larder Lake Cadillac Break. The best results included 1.29 g/t Au over 5.2 m (including 2.06 g/t Au over 0.7 m) and 1.03 g/t Au over 6.4 m (including 2.98 g/t Au over 1 m).
In 2014, a two-hole, 600m drill program was completed. Drilling targeted geophysical anomalies along known gold bearing structures. Minor shear zones in both holes were intersected near the contact between the volcanic and the sediment units that presented weak alteration and mineralization in pyrite ± chalcopyrite ± arsenopyrite. Only anomalous gold between 100 to 250 ppb was reported in the drill holes.
General Geology
The property is located in a sequence of the Archean Abitibi Belt which forms part of the Noranda volcanic complex. This complex has traditionally been described as an east-west synclinorium which plunges eastward and is bounded to the north by the Porcupine-Destor Fault and to the south by the Larder-Cadillac Fault. The volcanic sequence, from base to top, consists of three geochemically distinct units: Stoughton-Roquemaure mafic to ultramafic units, Kinojévis tholeiitic units and, Blake River calc-alkaline group. These three sequences represent a volcanic pile twenty-five kilometres thick.
Local Geology
Due to the size of the property, it is convenient to subdivide it into blocks based on certain geological characteristics.
The most southerly lithologies consist of Proterozoic sediments that Globex has modelled on airborne magnetic data, as being about 150 m to 200 m thick (G. Lambert, personal com., 2000). These sediments mask a regional magnetic anomaly that the Company suggested represents a large syenitic intrusive similar to that as seen at Kirkland Lake, and the setting for the Macassa to Tobourn mine complex. The Proterozoic sediments are flat lying, and appear to occur within a down dropped graben structure. The northern boundary of this structure represents the historical main trace of the Larder-Cadillac Break structure. The southern boundary may be a duplex parallel thrust structure and is reminiscent of the structural setting that occurs on the Ontario side of this structure, at Larder Lake. There, a duplex thrust zone hosts the Archean Larder Lake Group and a series of gold zones, the most prominent of which was the former Kerr Addison Mine.
The South Block Proterozoic sediments are fault bounded to the north by Archean lithologies that consist of a series of mafic flows and mafic intrusives separated by the Helen Lake rhyolite. In 2001, Globex drilled a 1,000 m drill hole in order to test the thickness of the Proterozoic Cobalt overlayer. The drill hole intersected a much thinner interval of approximately 50 m of Proterozoic cover than previously thought, with the bulk outcropping as a free standing ridge known as the Kekeko Hills. The hole then traversed a sequence of typical Larder-Cadillac Break rock and structural sequences. Much of these rock units are anomalous in gold. The South Block represents approximately 5 km of the gold localizing Larder Lake - Cadillac Break all of which is untested. In 2008, four additional holes confirmed the potential as demonstrated by the 2001 drill holes.
The Central-West Blockis a major felsic complex which can be divided into five cycles characterized by numerous coalescing domes. Its volcanological development is related to a quiet period of low explosive activity and low rate of volcanic flow, where synvolcanic faulting, dyking, collapsing and dome growth are interposed with quiescent periods and the deposition of cherty and pyritic horizons. At least five of these horizons have been defined. They have a low metal content, but background increment suggests an enrichment pointing through the local Evain graben toward an area completely covered by unconsolidated surface material.
The Central-East Blockis strikingly different from its western counterpart. It represents a major graben flanked by crosscutting structures invaded by mafic intrusives and filled by a bimodal sequence of laccolithic andesites and minor rhyolites. The lower portion of the sequence is tholeiitic, varying upward to a thin felsic unit characterized by a capping horizon containing a disseminated nodular aggregate of pyrrhotite and chert. The upper portion of the sequence contains mafic laccolithic flows of calc-alkaline affinity with copper background levels three times those of the lower sequence.
It is thought that the Horne copper-gold-silver deposit (59,200,000 tons at 2.2% Cu, 0.17 oz/ton Au, 0.38 oz/ton Ag mined) and several other important mineral deposits, along with their enclosing rock units are probable equivalents to the felsic pyroclastic sequence of the Central-East Block. These rock units are therefore a waning stage of violent volcanism that provided good permeability and sites for replacement as a result of subsequent hydrothermal activity.
The Central-East Block of the property ties on to the north side of the Visible Gold, lac Pelletier property which includes several gold showings and numerous gold values in relatively shallow drill holes (Abbeville Zone).
The North Block is essentially represented by the Powell pluton. This synvolcanic intrusive hosts three gold deposits; Silidor and New Marlon, both owned by Globex and the Power-Rouyn as well as one porphyry type copper-silica deposit (Don Rouyn).
Despite a significant lack of outcrop in the North Block area, its economic potential can be assessed through a study of its overall characteristics. Three former gold mines share the same structural parameters and reflect a homogeneous field stress. Field work along with geophysical and air photo interpretation have established the main lines of the structural framework of the pluton and the distribution of major fault structures, similar to those related to the gold deposits known to occur within the pluton to the east.
The south boundary of this block is marked by the Horne Fault which extends westward from the Horne and Quemont Mines and truncates the southern edge of the Powell intrusive. Along the south edge of the pluton, at the fault, in the area just south of Evain an important gold zone named the Pelletier North has been indicated by drilling. Wide zones of gold values have been indicated over a strike length of at least 350 metres. The zone is open to depth and along strike as is the cross cutting, northwest trending, gold bearing Pelletier shear which includes the Pelletier Central and Horne Fault zones.
The Beauchastel-Rouyn property represents a large land package in the heart of the Noranda mining camp. Previous work has identified numerous gold and base metal showings and zones as well as geological and structured features which are very favourable for the emplacement of both gold and base metal mineral deposits. The large bank of detailed data has advanced our understanding of the project area to the point that geological and structural target areas have been defined.
Diamond drilling of a stratigraphic, 1,000 m long drill hole beneath the Cobalt sediment cover in the South Block in 2001 has shown that the Cobalt (Proterozoic) sedimentary rock cover is only 50 to 250 m thick, rather than 1,000 to 1,500 m thick as thought, opening considerable exploration space in this part of the property. The majority of the drill hole passed through Archean basement rocks and encountered numerous shear zones and splays associated with the gold localizing Cadillac Break as well as favourable alteration and lithologies and at least 5 significant anomalous gold zones which range in true width from several metres to 15 m. The gold zones assayed up to 1.29 gpt Au over 5.2 m and 1.03gpt Au over 6.4m. Four additional holes confirmed the observations that resulted from the first hole.
The rocks, alterations, structures and anomalous gold values indicate that the property has the potential of localizing a large tonnage Cadillac Break type gold deposit. Further exploration, in particular via diamond drilling is warranted.