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Globex Properties

Tut Zone - Gold Royalty
Ligneris Township, Quebec (32 D/15)

The property consists of 3 claims totalling 120 hectares covering lots 27 to 29 inclusive, range 8, Ligneris Township, Quebec:

tut zone map

The claims are situated 50km northeast of La Sarre and are easily accessible by a forestry road which extends from Taschereau to Authier.  Taschereau is approximately 32km to the south-southwest.

The property was first staked in June 1945 by Joe Lavoie and Arthur Germain by their discovery of gold on lots 28 and 29.  The find consisted of a carbonatized shear zone cut by quartz stringers mineralized with pyrite and minor chalcopyrite containing gold.  Dome Mines optioned the property in 1945 and diamond drilled 1,000.75 feet (307.1m) in 11 holes returning sporadic and in many cases high grade gold values. 

In 1946, Quebec Gold Mining Corporation did a magnetometer survey on the property and subsequently optioned it to Continental Diamond Drilling who in 1946 and 1947 drilled 11 holes (L1-L11) totalling 9,500 feet (2,895.6 m) over a strike length of 2,770 feet (844 m).  This drilling returned significant gold values particularly at the south end of lots 28 and 29.

The property was then idle until 1981 when Tut Explorations Inc. drilled one hole (T1) on the lot 28-29 boundary, 250 feet south of old hole L9.  The shallow hole drilled 600 feet at 45" south, did not intersect significant gold values.

In 1986, Alain Beaudoin and Cecilia Jenkins mapped the Tut and surrounding claims with an eye to geology and structural control. They observed 3 series of quartz veins, 2 sub-verticals and 1 sub-horizontal.  The gold was found to be associated with large quartz mass conformable to S2 shearing, and in sub-horizontal veins associated with it.  The gold was irregularly distributed.

In 1989, Falconbridge Limited and Lac Minerals in a joint venture drilled 2,077 metres in 6 holes.  Four holes 73-9, 73-10, 73-11 and 73-12 drilled the main zone.

Also in 1989, Geoprobe performed a maxi-probe test survey for Falconbridge on the property, totalling 6,350 metres on six lines.  This was followed by 7 drill holes totalling 1,240 metres (DDH 93-1 to 93-5 and 73-15 and 73-16).  Holes 93-1 to 93-5 were drilled away from the main Tut zone, as were 73-15 and 73-16.   The best gold intersection in this drill program was hole 73-08 which intersected 6.29 g/t Au over 5.7 metres in one of the deeper holes of the program.

In 2000, Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. cut a grid and did a detailed magnetometer survey on the south half of lots 27 to 30, range 8. In 2001, Globex mapped and sampled the south half of lots 27 to 30, range 8.  Two drill holes were subsequently drilled in 2005. (See pages 3 & 4 for details on work program 2005 and results 2005.

General Geology
The Tut-Ligneris project is located in Abitibi greenstones of the Superior Structural Province.  Lithologies are Archean.  According to M. Hocq, the project straddles the northeast trending contact between mafic metavolcanics of the Clermont-Disson Group and felsic metavolcanics of the Rivière Octave Group.  The claims sit immediately north of flysch-type turbiditic metasediments of the Lac Chicobi - Lac Castagnier groups.  Work filed by BHP-Utah to the west of the claims, in the early 1990's, indicated that the metasediments and metavolcanics are separated by a talc-chlorite schist zone they termed the "Authier Break", a structure similar to that of the Larder-Cadillac or Destor-Porcupine breaks.

A large mass of tonalitic basement rocks, termed the Bernetz gneissic complex occurs to the east, while the Lac de La Perdrix monzonitic pluton is found to the west.

Local Geology
The topography of the area consists of an easterly trending ridge of thinly covered bedrock knobs that gently slopes southerly to a flat lying open cedar-alder swamp.  Vegetation is mainly mixed secondary forest in the better drained areas.  The large trenched/stripped zones referenced in literature and maps in the past are now choked with mature alders and young birch saplings.  The ground on the old trenches is caved or is moss covered, except for areas that were re-opened on parts of the original Tut gold showing in 2001.

2001 mapping by Globex revealed only two significant lithological assemblages in the mapped area.  The west and south section of the grid is mainly underlain by orange-brown to buff weathering felsic volcanic that usually exhibit a pronounced cleavage that is locally expressed as quartz-sericite schist.  The felsics are moderately to strongly carbonatized with a pervasive ferro-dolomite matrix ground mass and locally shows minor cleavage parallel and occasionally cross cutting quartz-carbonate stringers.  Minor graywackes and tuffaceous cherts were noted as interflow-type sediments.

The north and western parts of the grid mapped on the south half of lots 27 to 30 are mainly underlain by a grey weathering, massive-looking, medium to coarse grained mafic horizon that shows very little by way of original textures when freshly stripped of moss.  The rock unit is locally magnetic, locally carbonatized and moderately chloritic.  A few outcrops show brecciation that could be due to flow top development, and some carbonate filled amygdules are present near the centre of tie line north (TLN).  These features suggest that the mafic lithology represents some form of extrusive basaltic flows.

The contact between the felsic and mafic volcanics is poorly defined.  It would appear to trend at about 070", but, the gross outcrop locations and 2000 magnetic survey pattern suggests that the contact may be flamed or parasitically folded on a scale of 100's metres.  At property scale, a broad zone of alteration occurs at the contact: the mafic lithologies appear to become silicified to an intermediate composition, while the corresponding felsic unit becomes more mafic, as the contact is approached over a corridor of about 100 metres.

Two pronounced parting cleavages have been developed.  The first averages 070°, is sub-vertical to steeply north dipping and parallel to bedding.  This cleavage is locally crenulated.  A sub-vertical cross cutting schistosity was also noted, with an average strike of 110°.

A set of 65° plunging fold axis lineations were noted to be developed in interflow sediment marker horizons near Line 5+00E/TLN at an azimuth of 110°.

Economic Geology
The present claims were staked by the company to encompass the Tut Gold Showing, which is also known as the Lac Authier East showing.  The principal mineral of the Tut showing is gold, with secondary of chalcopyrite and pyrite.  The showing was discovered in 1945 and it is located within the south half of Lots 28 & 29, Range VIII, Ligneris Township, Provincial record=s indicate that the host rock comprises principally of felsic tuffs and lapilli with local chert bands.  Numerous concordant dykes occur within the tuffs units.  All the rocks are strongly sheared at 230 to 280 degrees with a notable S1 schistosity (S2) oriented 190-200 degrees and sub-vertical.

Alain Beaudoin and Cecilia Jenkins (1986) observed 3 series of quartz veins, 2 sub-vertical and 1 sub-horizontal.  The gold was found to be associated with large quartz mass conformable to S2 shearing, and in sub-horizontal veins associated with it.  The gold was irregularly distributed.

Table 3: 1986 Noted Quartz Veining Orientations
(after Beaudoin & Jenkins)





Vein System 1

210° to 236°



Vein System 2

226° to 250°



Vein System 3

165° to 185°



Often but not always, gold mineralization is found associated with pyrite within the quartz veins.

The Tut showing consist of a series of narrow sub-vertical and flat quartz stringers developed in an east trending mafic to intermediate volcanic band, 15 to 20 metres thick, hosted by moderately sheared felsic volcanics.  The mafic band is also moderately schistose, shows a cleavage that strikes 080" and dips steeply north.  Schistosity planes show a well developed minor crenulation that plunges at -85" to the NNW at 350".  Shearing causes the mafic band to look like a re-worked mafic tuff.  Mineralization consists of 10% to 20% quartz stringers and veinlets.  Veining consists of vitreous, medium to coarse grained, clear, white, grey and rarely smoky quartz developed as weakly undulating 0.5 to 5cm stringers generally parallel to schistosity.  A secondary flat vein set dips about 10° to the north while a third, minor joint tension filling vein ladder set, with no significant lateral development, is present and is oriented perpendicular to schistosity at vertical dips and an orientation of 350°.  No significant sulphides present in the strip zone. Minor surface gossan burn is developed over 5% of the area and trace amounts of pyrite can be seen at quartz stringer margins as well as some black tourmaline.

Work Program 2005
On October 24, 2005, Benoit Diamond Drilling mobilized to the property to start the first of 2 NQ drill holes. The first hole T-05-01 was 351 metres long and targeted the southwest plunge of the Tut Zone at a depth of 225 metres vertical and probed beyond for possible parallel zones.  The second hole T-05-02 was 201 metres long and was located 350 metres west of the first hole.  This second hole was located to test previous shallow drilling by Dome Mines in 1945 on the south half of lot 27 on strike with the Tut Zone.  The drill campaign ended on November 5, 2005.

Results 2005
The drill holes intersected zones of intensely sheared basic volcanics and tuffs for much of the holes except for the bottom end of Hole T-05-01 which ended in rhyolite.

Despite the heavy alteration and shearing often accompanied by, in places, heavy quartz veining and pyrite mineralization, gold assays were disappointing.  The best values intersected were as follows:


From/To (m)

g/t Au


96.0 - 96.89


224.0 - 225.0



85.25 - 86.48


90.40 - 91.30


Considering the wide spread historical gold values and the intense alteration, more work is required to understand the distribution of the gold and the controlling structure.

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September 22, 2004
Exploration Update on Globex's Properties
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