Pacaud - Gold
Pacaud Township, Ontario (NTS 31M/13)
Updated July 2015
The property consists of three staked claim blocks which total approximately 352 ha and are located in the Lots 8-11, Concessions 1 and 2, Pacaud Township, Larder Lake Mining Division, Ontario.
The property is 100% owned by Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. and was acquired by staking between 2002 and 2004.
The property is easily accessed by paved provincial highway 11 which passes diagonally across claim 3004147, roughly through the center of the property in the southern half of Lot 11, Concession 2.
General Geology
The property is underlain in its entirety by a granitic batholith known as the Round Lake Batholith. This batholith intrudes Archean metavolcanics and metasediments of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Diabase dykes traverse the granite at several locations with both northeast and northwest trend. Fault structures also traverse the granite.
Numerous small deposits or showings of gold, copper, lead and silver are known to occur at the periphery of the intrusive.
Local Geology
A geological description of the gold showing area is given in a BSc thesis from the University of Ottawa (1981) by A.D. Pantalone titled “The Laskowski Gold-Silver Occurrence in the Round Lake Batholith, Kirkland Lake, Ontario”. The following is a quotation of Pantalone’s abstract:
“The Laskowski gold-silver occurrence consists of a mineralized portion of a 10 to 12km long zone of brecciated and quartz veined tonalite in the Round Lake Batholith.
Hydrothermal alteration abruptly begins at the edge of the 100 metre wide breccia zone. The predominant mineralogical change is albitization and sericitization (likely phengitic mica) of plagioclase. Plagioclase albite content increases near quartz veins. The mafic minerals, mainly biotite and epidote, are replaced by sericite. Carbonate has also been introduced. Alteration within the breccia zone is pervasive and uniform.
Changes in whole rock chemistry are also uniform: Na, Ca and Sr are displaced while K is enriched. A saline hydrothermal solution diffusing from conduits probably produced the alteration effects.
Ore mineralogy consists essentially of euhedral pyrite and amoebal chalcopyrite which are erratically distributed in the quartz veins. Minute grains of silver telluride and native gold commonly occur together, within or outside the sulphides. Carbonate can be found along any grain boundaries in the veins. The textures suggest the following paragenesis:
Quartz/pyrite → gold/silver telluride → chalcopyrite → carbonate.”
Previous Work
The property was first staked in the early 1970's by Mr. Hans Laskowski who discovered, stripped and trenched a new gold showing in a breccia zone.
In 1978, Little Long Lac Exploration optioned the property from Mr. Laskowski and re-sampled the gold showing, did limited geophysical surveys and diamond drilling (4 holes, 343 m). Surface assays of up to 0.77 oz/ton Au were obtained and shallow diamond drilling followed the gold values to a depth of 87 m (270 ft). Although no logs are available, two of the four drill holes are reported to have intersected gold values. Interestingly, two drill holes are also reported to have intersected kimberlite dykes but were not analysed for diamonds.
In 1979, Don Hurd optioned the claims and performed further stripping.
Between 1977 and 1984, Mr. Laskowski performed various programs of bulldozing and shallow diamond drilling for assessment purposes.
Kerr Addison Mines Ltd. compiled information on the property in 1980 and there are indications that they performed an IP survey over the claims.
In 1985, R.W. Mining and Milling Limited optioned the property but no record exists of any work they undertook.
In March 1985, Mr. John Kirwan wrote a report on the property for Earth Resource Associates summarizing knowledge of the property to that point. In the report, Mr. Kirwan refers to assays taken by Gilrow Resources Limited of Timmins which ranged in value from trace to 1.5 oz/ton Au and trace to 6.38 oz/ton Ag. The average of 15 trench samples taken by Gilrow was said to be 0.295 oz/ton Au.
Also in 1985, Yorbeau Resources Inc. sampled the trenches and with 3 samples delimited a zone 4.5 m (14.75 ft) wide in a dynamited face which averaged 0.25 oz/ton Au (8.63 g/ton Au).
In 1986, Queenston Gold Mines Limited sampled the Laskowski showing and reported values up to 0.775 oz/ton Au and 3.38 oz/ton Ag.
Exsics Exploration Ltd. performed VLF EM and magnetometer surveys on the property in 1986 for Jogrem Resources Ltd.
Recent Work
Between October 2003 and June 2004, Dianor completed a series of short diamond drill holes to search for kimberlite dykes on the claims. In addition, two holes were drilled on the known gold showing. The holes on the gold zone did not return any significant values but most of the holes drilled by Dianor to explore for kimberlite succeeded in intersecting narrow kimberlite dykes. The first kimberlite dyke was discovered in the Round Lake Batholith. Subsequent mineralogical work on dyke material found indicator minerals which indicate a temperature and pressure gradient amenable to the formation of diamonds. Further work is contemplated.
In August 2006, Dianor reported completion of 6 additional drill holes on the property. These did not intersect kimberlite. In its 2009 Annual Management Discussion and Analysis, Dianor reported it had abandoned the Pacaud property, among others and written off its diamond exploration expneses. Globex has recovered all diamong exploration interests in the property.