Gayhurst Deposit - Molybdenum
Gayhurst & Dorset Townships, Quebec (NTS 21E/15)
Updated October 2020
The property consists of 4 cells totalling 240 hectares situated in Gayhurst and Dorset Townships, Quebec.
The property is owned 100% by Globex and was acquired in Jan. 2005.
The claim area is approximately 75 miles south of Quebec city and 135 miles east of Montreal.
General Geology
The rocks of the area are made up of a folded sedimentary sequence which has been intruded by a granitic stock and associated dikes and sills of felsic rocks and molybdenum mineralization. The sedimentary rocks are only slightly metamorphosed, except near the granite intrusion where they are altered to hornfels.
Glacial moraine covers parts of the area, especially west of the granitic stock.
Molybdenum showings occur along the summit and on the southeast flank of a topographic crest extending towards the northeast of Mount Saint-Sebastien. The zone of interest is 5500 feet long and 1000 feet wide.
The highest point, topographically, is in Gayhurst Township a lot 17, range IX. Its elevation is 2540 feet, which is about 1000 feet above Drolet lake. A good road leads to the entrance of the adit on the east side of the mountain.
The history of this property dates back to the years 1910-1920 when many trenches were dug on lots 18 and 19 of range IX, Gayhurst Township, in a unsuccessful attempts to find gold. Around 1938, a lumber jack found pieces of rock rich in molybdenite in the rubble from the trenches. Accompanied by a prospector, he later worked the ground on lot 18. In 1941, the mining rights were transferred to Messrs. Dostie and Doyon who, in turn, optioned it to Frontenac Quarries Limited. This company shipped 40 tons of molybdenum bearing rock from lot 18 to Quyon-Molybdenite Ltd., who recovered 155 pounds of molybdenite. In 1943, lots 16 to 23 of range IX were optioned to MacMillan Prospecting Syndicate. In 1956, these lots became the property of Frontenac Mining Corporation. During the same year, a ground magnetometer survey was completed by T.H. Koulomzine counting on the magnetic properties of the pyrrhotite to outline the mineralized zones. As a follow-up to this work, 21 drill holes were completed with a total footage of 17,171 feet. In January 1961, a 1096-foot adit was driven on the south side of Mount Saint-Sebastien, at an elevation of 2148 feet above sea level. This was followed by 1038 feet of drifting in a northerly direction, a 248-foot cross-cut and another drift 184 feet long, parallel to the first drift. The total length of underground working is 2576 feet.
In 1962, the name of the company was changed to Copperstream-Frontenac Mines Ltd., and the property was optioned to Molybdenum Corporation of America. Between July 1962 and December 31st, 1963, this company sampled the underground workings and drilled 30 horizontal holes for a total footage of 3000 feet.
In 1963, Molybdenite Corp. of America did a non NI 43-101 resource calculation which reported 2,000,000 tonnes grading 0.50% MoS2.
At the beginning of 1964, Copperstream-Frontenac Mines Ltd. did underground drilling. At the end of the same year Rio Tinto Canadian Exploration Ltd. optioned the property and drilled 17 holes in the South Zone and 3 in the North Zone. In addition, the company bulk sampled 210 feet of the underground workings.
After Rio Tinto=s work, Molybdenite Corp. of Canada (a name change from America ?) recalculated a resource of 640,000 tonnes grading 0.32% MoS2, a total similar to a calculation done by Rio Tinto (582,900 tonnes grading 0.54% MoS2).
Between 2006 and 2007, Globex undertook a small drill program and completed an I.P. Survey.
The sedimentary rocks on the Copper stream property are similar to those in the rest of the region, except that the proportion of competent rocks here is greater.
According to the company, there are two main molybdenum-bearing zones, namely the North and South zones. There are located in range IX of Gayhurst Township and contain molybdenum-bearing veins up to 20 feet wide.
The North Zone covers an area 1000 feet by 450 feet in lots 22 and 23. The Copperstream-Frontenac drill logs report the existence of areas of sedimentary rocks cut by quartz veins rich in molybdenite. Examination of the core was carried out by Rémi Kelly who noted the absence of grey granite in the mineralized intersections. In the underground workings of the South Zone, the intersections are in such granite.
The South Zone is located about 3000 feet southwest of the North Zone and covers an area of about 950 feet by 360 feet in lots 18 and 19, approximately 1000 feet from the granite stock. The dip of the granite-sedimentary rock contact is considered to be nearly parallel to the plunge (45"N) of the L2 lineation, which is identified with stresses developed when the granite stock intruded the sedimentary rocks. As a result, the granite mass would come to within 600 feet of the underground workings in this zone.
Text from Geological Report -176 of the Ministère des richesses naturelles by Rémi Kelly, 1975 Fiche de Gîte 21-E-15, 3 and 4